Ingredients: 10 stocco ventricelle (or trippette or trippicelle) 350 g fresh crumb50 g grated cheese50 gr grated Caciocavallo50 ml Olive oilq.b. Chopped parsley q.b. Salt500 ml Tomato sauce2 cloves Aglio1 Cipollaq.b. Kitchen twine The Ventricelle alla ghiotta are prepared using the "belly", belly of the stockfish. Take the ventricles and puliamole, removing some thorns (which could be present in the side) and depriving them of the skin and some black parts (what you can remove). Then wash them with cold water and put them in the fridge while you go to prepare the crumb for the filling. To the fresh crumb add the grated cheeses, the chopped garlic, the salt, the oil and the parsley, mix everything. With this mixture, fill the vines with a roll. Then, cut the onion into slices and put it in a pan with the oil and lay the ventricelle rolls on top, together with the tomato sauce, the green olives and a little parsley. Cook the Ventricelle alla ghiotta on a moderate flame for about 15 minutes.